Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow.
Small Changes Today Will Have A Huge Impact in The Future.
The Curriculum
At St. Nicholas Primary School, we follow the curriculum as set by The Ministry of Education, Sports, and Creative Industries. We guide and encourage our students, ensuring they receive a well-rounded education preparing them for further studies and the challenges they will face in the real world.
Language Arts
Social Studies
Physical Education
What does your child need for class?
Book List
- Mathematics Bright Sparks Kb Students Book 2nd Edition
- Writing Practice Infant Level 1B
- A plastic 2-pocket folder
- A zippered pencil case
- 4 HB pencils with attached erasers
- A sharpener with attached container
- Wax and pencil crayons
- Markers
- 1 glue stick & 1 small white liquid glue
- A pair of child’s scissors
- Colouring book for rainy days
- Large old t- shirt for art
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer, a small pack of tissues and small pack of wipes.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: Bright Sparks Gr. 1 Students Book Bright Sparks Workbook 1, both 2 nd Edition
- Let’s Learn to Write – Manuscript Handwriting by CEP – Level 1
- Pencil case
- 4 HB pencils
- A white eraser
- 2 glue sticks
- A 30 cm ruler (not bendable)
- A sharpener (with container attached)
- Markers
- Wax or pencil crayons
- A plastic pocket folder w/ 2 pockets
- A pair of child’s scissors
- Activity book for rainy days
- Old T-shirt for art, adult size
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: Bright Sparks: Gr. 2 Students Book Bright Sparks Workbook 2, both 2 nd Edition
- Penmanship Book 2 nd Primary (9 ¾ x 7 ½ only)
- Zippered pencil case
- 4 HB pencils
- White eraser
- 1 bottle of glue, 2 glue sticks
- A 30 cm ruler (not bendable)
- A sharpener (with container attached)
- Pencil crayons
- A zip-up plastic folder
- A pair of child’s scissors
- Activity book for rainy days
- An old T-shirt for art
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: Bright Sparks Gr. 3 Students Book Bright Sparks Workbook 3, both 2 nd Edition
- Oxford English Dictionary for school
- Zippered pencil case
- 4 HB pencils
- A white eraser
- 2 glue sticks
- A 30 cm rigid ruler (NOT FLEXIBLE) preferably Oxford shatterproof
- A sharpener (with container attached)
- Markers – fine or medium tip (optional)
- Pencil crayons
- Wax crayons
- 2 thin plastic folders – (NOT a Trapper Keeper)
- A pair of child’s scissors
- Playing cards/activity book for rainy days
- An old T-shirt for art
- 1 reading book for quiet reading
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: Bright Sparks: Gr. 4 Students Book Bright Sparks Workbook 4, both 2 nd Edition
- Oxford English Dictionary for school
- Pencil case
- 4 HB pencils
- 2 erasable pens (red and blue)
- A white eraser
- 2 glue sticks
- A 30 cm rigid ruler (not bendable)
- A sharpener (with container attached)
- Markers – fine or medium tip
- Pencil crayons
- Thin plastic folder
- A pair of child’s scissors
- A clipboard
- Playing cards/activity book for rainy day
- 1 reading book for quiet reading
- An old T-shirt for art
- 1 pack of assorted brushes
- 1 pad drawing paper A4 = 25 sheets
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: Bright Sparks: Gr. 5 Students Book Bright Sparks Workbook 5, both 2 nd Edition
- Oxford English Dictionary for school
- Pencil case
- 4 HB pencils
- 2 erasable pens (black and blue)
- A white eraser
- 2 glue sticks
- A basic calculator
- Stapler
- Geometry set
- Small liquid white glue
- A 30 cm rigid ruler (not bendable)
- A sharpener (with container attached)
- Markers – fine and medium tip
- Pencil crayons
- Thin plastic folder – (NOT a Trapper Keeper)
- Scissors
- Clipboard
- An old T-shirt for Art
- Playing cards/activity book for rainy days
- 1 pack acrylic paints
- 1 pad acrylic/watercolour paper A4 = 25 sheets
- 1 small palette
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24
Book List
- Mathematics: New Common Entrance Mathematics 2 nd Edition – Workbook Only
- A Process of Testing Language Arts Level 5 by Vidya Maharaj
- A Process of Testing Math Level 5
- A laptop – no iPads please – Does not have to be top of the range. “Word” installed if possible please
- A flash drive
- A yellow highlighter pen
- 3 blue erasable ballpoint or gel pens
- 3 erasable ballpoint or gel pens (1 each of red, green & black)
- A basic calculator (capable of performing a simple square root calculation)
- 2 black sharpie markers – fine point and med. point
- A rough notebook
- Clipboard
- Stapler/staples
- Plastic subject folder
- 2 glue sticks
- White eraser
- Pencils – 2HB and 2B
- Sharpener (with container attached)
- Geometry set
- Pencil crayons
- 30 cm ruler & 15 cm ruler
- Markers
- Scissors
- Old t-shirt for art
- Reeves Acrylic Paint set/brushes
- Pack Acrylic paper A4= 25 sheets
- 1 small palette
- Water bottle – 64 oz.
- Hand sanitizer and a pack of tissues in school bag.
All items must be clearly labelled.
Please ensure to replace these items when necessary.
Last Updated: 2023/24

School Textbooks/Equipment
The school provides most books, both text and exercise. The Government Book Loan Scheme provides many of the textbooks used by the students.
The school has taken responsibility for these books.
Please Remember:
- Cover all text and exercise books with clear plastic and encourage your child to treat all books with care.
- Any lost or damaged textbooks must be paid for.
- A book list and an equipment list are issued to each grade; students are always expected to have the required supplies with them at all times.
- Pull-along schoolbags are not permitted. Your child’s school bag, lunch kit, and flask must fit into a cubby.
- The school is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal possessions brought to school.
- Toys and cell phones are not permitted in school.