Our School Policies

It is a privilege to attend St. Nicholas Primary and the highest level of decorum and courtesy is expected of each student.


The school expects the highest standard of courtesy and behavior’s from all students. Students are expected to respect and show tolerance to all members of the school community. There is a withdrawal of privileges for children who do not meet the expected levels of behavior’s. Stone throwing, fighting and using indecent language are viewed as very serious offences. Parents of children who behave in a consistently disruptive manner will be asked to meet with the Principal.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to suspend, and if necessary, expel any student who consistently disregards our school rules.

School spirit is encouraged. Students must show allegiance to their school by participating in school teams before representing outside teams or clubs.

School Conduct

It is during our early years that each of us learns the social skills that remain with us throughout life. It is essential for school and home to adopt common principles of behavior’s and work together to develop the skills of learning and living together.

School Uniform

Girls wear a blue dress trimmed in white (knee length or just below the knee). Cardigans and hair accessories must also be blue or white. Boys wear a blue shirt and khaki shorts with a black belt. All students must wear proper black leather shoes and plain white socks that are clearly visible i.e. turned down at least one and a half inches. Long socks, Low-cut socks, or no-show socks are not permitted. Black sneakers should not be worn in place of proper school shoes.

No jewellery other than a wristwatch (preferably not digital) or stud earrings may be worn in school. Hoops are not allowed. Boys are not allowed to wear earrings. Hair must be tied back or plaited if longer than collar length. Hair must not cover the eyes and should not be coloured/highlighted. Nails should be trimmed neatly. No nail polish is allowed.


Follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would like them to do to you.

Do not climb the trees.

Do not throw stones or any other missiles at any time.

Treat others with respect; treat other people’s property with respect.

Walk, do not run in the courtyard.

Keep your voice under control. Loud shouting should never take place in the school building. Bad language is not tolerated.

Show care for the environment.

Take your work seriously. See that all your books are brought at the right time, that your homework is ALWAYS done and that you work diligently.

Wear your school uniform with pride. It is a privilege as a member of the school to wear our uniform. Always keep your uniform neat and clean so that you are the best representative of the school.



Bullying, whether physical, verbal, or indirect will not be tolerated at St. Nicholas and this is true of passive involvement as well.

We use stories, discussions and role play to help children understand what bullying is and its effect on others.